Addressing Burnout in the Workplace: Strategies for Self-Care and Balance

woman about to run during golden hour
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on


It’s not easy to be human. We’re bombarded with information and stressors on a daily basis. Our brains are constantly trying to make sense of the world around us, often at the expense of our own health and well-being.Say’s Wade Kricken , for many professionals, this leads to feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and burned out by their work.

The research and clinical literature on burnout is extensive

Burnout is a real problem for individuals and organizations. Burnout can cause serious harm to your health, relationships and career prospects. The research and clinical literature on burnout is extensive: it includes hundreds of studies from around the world that have examined the impact of burnout among employees in various settings.

Self-care is a critical component of mitigating burnout

Self-care is a critical component of mitigating burnout. It can be difficult to focus on your own needs when you feel like you are constantly running on empty, but it’s important to address the causes of burnout before taking care of yourself. Self-care can look different things for different people and will vary depending on what stage of burnout you’re experiencing–but it’s always vital!

Self-care is not selfish, but an essential part of caring for others

Self-care is not selfish, but an essential part of caring for others. In fact, the more you can take care of yourself, the better able you’ll be to help others. When we’re feeling burned out and exhausted, it’s easy to forget that our health and happiness are essential to our ability to do our jobs well. Self-care is something we should all be doing on a regular basis–even if it doesn’t seem like much at first glance–because if we don’t take time out for ourselves, we risk hurting both ourselves physically (through poor diet or lack of exercise) as well as emotionally (by becoming overwhelmed by stress).

Self-care can be different things to different people

Self-care can be different things to different people. It’s not just about taking time off, it’s also about being mindful of your physical, mental and emotional health. For some people that means exercising regularly; others may find that meditation helps them focus on their well-being.

Whatever you choose for yourself, make sure it doesn’t conflict with your work responsibilities or put anyone else at risk (for example: don’t go hiking in bear country unless you’re prepared). That said, if there are ways for you to incorporate self-care into your daily routine without creating more problems than they solve (for example: taking an extra hour at lunch), then by all means do so!


As we can see, self-care and burnout are deeply connected. If you’re feeling burned out in your work, it’s important to take steps to replenish yourself and regain balance. Self-care is not selfish, but an essential part of caring for others. There are many ways to do this–whether it’s taking a walk outside or meditating for 10 minutes every day before work begins. Whatever works best for you will be worth doing!

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