The Mindfulness Advantage: 5 Ways To Be Present and Connected

person on top of a hill


Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of what’s happening in the present moment. It’s an essential skill for thriving at work says Wade Kricken, at home and in your relationships. Here are five simple ways you can practice mindfulness:

1. Take deep breaths.

To be present, you must first be able to focus on the present. Deep breathing is a simple way to become aware of yourself and your surroundings, thus creating an opportunity for connection. When you breathe in deeply, allowing your lungs to fill with air, you are connecting with your body and can begin to tune into what is going on around you. You may notice that it feels good to be breathing this way—and that’s because deep breathing helps relax the mind and body; it also increases oxygen flow throughout our bodies which increases energy levels!

Other ways of practicing mindfulness include meditating on one’s breath, focusing on sounds (like birds singing), or paying attention to thoughts as they arise without judging them as good or bad.

2. Notice your own thoughts, feelings and sensations.

  • Notice your own thoughts, feelings and sensations.
  • Be aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them. How does it feel to be angry, sad or anxious?
  • Don’t judge yourself for having these feelings; accept them for what they are—part of being human!

3. Make eye contact with others.

The third way to be present and connected is to make eye contact with others. This shows that you are interested in what the other person has to say, which makes them feel more comfortable around you. It also demonstrates honesty and trustworthiness—if someone can’t look you in the eye when talking about something important, it may be time for a reality check about whether or not they are being honest with themselves or others.

4. Set aside a time to be mindful with your friends, family and/or co-workers each day.

If you have a group of friends, family or co-workers who are interested in practicing mindfulness together, try to find a time when everyone can be together. If that’s not possible, consider setting aside specific days so that you can meet together and practice as often as possible.

Try to do it at the same time each day. The key is consistency and routine so that your body learns how much attention needs to be paid for it to work effectively.

5. Allow your mind to be aware of what you are feeling and thinking without judging it as good or bad

It’s essential to accept what you are feeling and thinking in the moment. For example, you might notice an emotion or thought that arises, such as anger or jealousy, and think “I shouldn’t be feeling this way.” But mindfulness teaches us that we don’t have to judge our thoughts as good or bad. The practice of accepting what is happening without judgment allows us to experience life more fully and find freedom from pain because it supports us in connecting with ourselves on a deeper level.

The ability to be mindful is the first step to connecting with yourself and those around you.

The ability to be mindful is the first step to connecting with yourself and those around you.

Mindfulness is a skill that can be learned and requires practice, but it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being present in your own life and learning how to better connect with others.


As you can see, there are many ways to practice mindfulness. No matter where you are in your journey towards self-awareness, the more you practice being present and connected, the better off you will be. The more we focus on these five skills today, the easier it will be to cultivate them tomorrow!

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