Wellness, Health and tips to better your Health.

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Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of the year, and you deserve a pat on the back. You’ve had your ups and downs, but now that this moment has arrived, there’s no better time to reflect on what we can do next year to make our lives healthier, happier and more fulfilled. Says Wade Kricken here are some tips for how you can do just that:

Make time for sleep

Make time for sleep

Sleep is a vital part of good health, and we’re not just talking about the hours you spend in bed. Sleep is an active process that has many benefits—not only can it help keep your body and brain healthy, but it also helps with emotional regulation and managing stress.

To get the most out of your sleep, consider some tips:

  • Set an alarm clock or calendar reminder before going to bed (or set multiple reminders) so that you don’t end up oversleeping on work days or nights where you need to stay up late. If this still happens—and it will happen—try picking up where you left off without much delay; that way, any lost time won’t be too significant once all the clocks are back on schedule again!

Take time to meditate

Meditation is a great way to relax and recharge. It can also be a useful tool in helping you deal with stress, pain, anxiety or depression. Meditation has even been known to help people who suffer from insomnia.

So what is meditation? Meditating means concentrating on one thing while blocking out all other thoughts and distractions. If you’re new to meditation, start by sitting comfortably with your back supported by the wall or another stable object (like a chair). Close your eyes and focus on how it feels when air passes over your nostrils as you breathe in and out through them. Try not to think about anything else; just focus on this sensation for several minutes at first before moving on to any other specific object of choice such as counting from one through ten over and over again.*

Eat fresh foods

  • Fresh foods are better for you. When you eat fresh foods, you’re getting more nutrients and fewer added ingredients that can harm your health.
  • Fresh foods are more nutritious. Fresh foods are generally less processed than canned or packaged items, so they tend to have more vitamins and minerals per serving than their processed counterparts.
  • Fresh foods are less processed—and thus often taste better! The longer something sits around before being consumed, the closer it gets to losing its original flavor and texture (think about how stale bread is).

Get moving

  • Exercise can be beneficial in many ways, including:
  • Lowers blood pressure and reduces risk of heart disease.
  • Improves mood and mental health.
  • Reduces the risk of developing cancer, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.
  • Helps with weight loss and maintenance – even if you don’t lose a lot of weight initially, exercise helps keep you from gaining more weight later on.


If you want to be healthier and happier, these are great places to start. Whether it’s by getting enough sleep or trying a new food, there are many ways that you can improve your health. We hope this article was helpful for you!

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